RDFRS UK/Ipsos MORI Poll #2: UK...
Paula Kirby/RDFRS UK -...
PART 2: Results of an RDFRS UK/Ipsos MORI poll into the religious and social attitudes of adults recorded as Christian in the 2011 UK Census
RDFRS UK/Ipsos MORI Poll #1: How...
Paula Kirby/RDFRS UK -...
PART 1: Results of an RDFRS UK/Ipsos MORI poll into the religious and social attitudes of adults recorded as Christian in the 2011 UK Census
Britain being overtaken by 'militant...
Robert Winnett - The Telegraph
British society is under threat from the rising tide of “militant secularisation” reminiscent of “totalitarian regimes”, a Cabinet minister will warn on Tuesday.
Council prayers ruling starts national...
National Secular Society -...
It appears our success at the High Court has started a national conversation about secularism – and that can only be a good thing. When there is a comment facility available under these attacks, the popular opinion is overwhelmingly in our favour.
Turkey PM sparks furor by saying he...
Fulya Ozerkan - National Post
“We want to raise a religious youth,” said Erdogan, himself a graduate of a clerical school and the leader of the Islamist-rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP), during a parliamentary address last week.
UK Christian leaders warn religion is...
Reuters staff - Reuters
Bishop Langrish of Exeter said Britain remained a religious nation. “Every time there is a survey of religious beliefs in this country, around 70 percent of the population profess religious faith and will also talk about saying private prayers. We are actually talking about something that still accords with the mood and the outlook of the majority.”

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