Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So Britain's a Christian Nation? - - -

Richard Dawkins: 2 live TV appearances...

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  1. Sky News at 3.30 pm GMT

  2. BBC Newsnight beginning at 10.30 pm GMT.

RDFRS UK/Ipsos MORI Poll #2: UK...

Paula Kirby/RDFRS UK -...

PART 2: Results of an RDFRS UK/Ipsos MORI poll into the religious and social attitudes of adults recorded as Christian in the 2011 UK Census

RDFRS UK/Ipsos MORI Poll #1: How...

Paula Kirby/RDFRS UK -...

PART 1: Results of an RDFRS UK/Ipsos MORI poll into the religious and social attitudes of adults recorded as Christian in the 2011 UK Census

Britain being overtaken by 'militant...

Robert Winnett - The Telegraph

British society is under threat from the rising tide of “militant secularisation” reminiscent of “totalitarian regimes”, a Cabinet minister will warn on Tuesday.

Council prayers ruling starts national...

National Secular Society -...

It appears our success at the High Court has started a national conversation about secularism – and that can only be a good thing. When there is a comment facility available under these attacks, the popular opinion is overwhelmingly in our favour.

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