Monday, February 13, 2012

Richard on BBC Radio 4 Today Programme, 8.30 a.m. GMT, Tues 14 Feb - - -


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The Archbishop of Canterbury and atheist Professor Richard Dawkins are set to go head to head to discuss man's greatest question.

Fri. Feb10, 1pm EST - Rebroadcast of...

- - Simon & Schuster

Fri. Feb10, 1pm EST (GMT-5) - Rebroadcast of Lawrence Krauss/Richard Dawkins ASU event - Lawrence Krauss will answer questions live after the broacast

Dawkins made it to my Sociology class

Omer Kamal Bin Farooq - The Express...

[That documentary] allows us to think out of the comfortable narrative that has been concocted for us by the state and its right-wing allies. Watching it allows us to digest opinions wildly diverse from ours and still give them their due consideration and appreciation. This is what made me happy.

Something from nothing? A conversation...

ASU Origins Project - RDFRS

Something from nothing? A conversation with Lawrence Krauss and Richard Dawkins

In Defense of Richard Dawkins

Christopher Hitchens - Free Inquiry

Why should he sit still and see a valued and precious discipline being insulted, even threatened with not being taught?

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